The (seemingly) small action of sharing your practice intentions with our private group can wind up being your most powerful ally in making the progress you’re after this year.
Blue 7
Melodic motifs, rhythmic displacement, and the Lydian dominant scale are covered in this series on the classic blues tune by Sonny Rollins.
Now’s the Time
This lesson series on the iconic Charlie Parker blues dissects the VI phrase, tri-tone substitutions, and an iconic Bird turnaround lick.
I’ll Remember April
This series focuses on taking a melody from Realbook to performance, using guide tones, and creating your own etudes to build confidence on a tune.
In this series, we’ll use the rhythm changes classic, “Anthropology,” to practice rhythm and time-feel, melodic development, and chord substitutions.
Without A Song
Constructing guide-tone-based lines, examples from Chris Potter, going beyond 1357, and using the keyboard to visualize and apply voice-leading to the saxophone.
Autumn Leaves
We’ll use this “must know” standard to examine the power of guide tones—plus a KILLER exercise for getting chord changes under your fingers.
What Is This Thing Called Love?
Tips for internalizing chord changes, one scale that works over half-diminished, altered dominant, and Lydian chords, and using a diminished major 7th chord in a ii-V-I.
Miyako (Wayne Shorter)
Learn a powerful technique to simplify complex chord changes. This will help you see “inside” changes and craft more cohesive solos.